Thursday, October 8, 2009

Guess Who Said It?

“If I don’t go into labor tonight I’m going to the concert at the House of Blues. I want to see where my child support is going to come from. F*ck N*ggas in singing groups who can’t sing and leaves his girl seven months pregnant he needs to get his d*ck off. If you miss your own child’s delivery go ahead and kill youself u r dead to me. For every insecure selfish little boy that can make a child and run away when its time to be a responsible grown up what goes around comes around."


Try the pic...

Hmmm...Mmm that is Ms. Danger giving it to her baby daddy via twitter....but don't get excited. Apparently the "baby daddy" is NOT Ray-J. It's Nick Cannon's brother Gabriel who is the group, Rydaznrtist. Yeah, we didn't know them either...Moving on.

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