Monday, September 28, 2009

Chicago Kid Beaten to Death!

In addition to the War in the Middle East there is a civil war in America, and its happening in high schools.
 A 16-year-old high school honor student,Derrion Albert was beaten to death in a brawl on Chicago's South Side [Michelle Obama's home neighborhood].

Reports state that Albert was struck over the head with a 2x4 wooden board,soon after he collapsed to the floor. Albert then struggled to rise onto his feet but was knocked down again by another male teen with a punch to the face.

Attempting to flee the scene Albert ran towards a street corner but was caught by other teens who were preying upon him. 

The fight was broken up by youth workers at the Agape Community Center as police were called to the scene. Albert was rushed to the hospital via ambulance.

The young honor roll student died due to "massive bleeding in the brain...caused by a blunt force trauma to the head."

Chicago police are continuing this investigation and will use the video posted on Youtube to further this investigation.
~SMH and were worried about the war in the middle east? What about the youth in our own country?

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